Karie Westermann has knitted together studies and TV studios, as she captains Team Open on famous BBC quiz show University Challenge.
The Art History and Visual Cultures student has embraced part-time Open University (OU) learning, finding it the ideal fit for her international textiles career.
And of her television experiences, pub quizzer Karie says: “I am so proud to represent the OU on University Challenge - showing that lifelong learning is a marvellous thing and that no matter who you are, you belong.”
Glasgow-based entrepreneur Karie found the OU her “obvious choice” and says: “I like that the OU provides a flexible way of studying. Being able to study at my own pace was key as my working life can be unpredictable.
“I work in textiles at an intersection between creativity, communication, and academia. I design and write hand-knitting patterns and teach across Europe - typically with a historical or material culture slant.
“A few opportunities had come my way which I had to decline, because I don't have a background in Dress History. So, the desire to get to grips with art history stems from that. Who knows where my OU degree will take me - hopefully somewhere I will take on new challenges!”
Studying with the OU has really opened my eyes to the power of learning and how it can transform people's lives."
Karie’s OU journey is already making an impact. She says: “Recently I started a part-time job in my local community where I work with lifelong learning and widening access to education.
“Studying with the OU has really opened my eyes to the power of learning and how it can transform people's lives.
“I was the first in my family to attend university back in the day - I have a Master of Arts degree in English and Critical Theory from the University of Copenhagen - but I was too young to appreciate how much that changed my life.
“Now I'm older and the OU has taught me that education is truly precious. I want to enable people to keep learning and feel confident - definitely something the OU has nurtured in me!”
Karie likes that people of all ages and backgrounds choose the OU, saying “It makes for great camaraderie and interesting conversations.”
Indeed, inspiration from her fellow student community keeps Karie going in her degree.
“I have been so fortunate that I'm part of a group of OU students who meet regularly,” she says. “We go to exhibitions and museums together. Zoom chats are frequent.
“If I'm having a wobbly moment, I just have to fire off a message to the Whatsapp group, and someone will be on the other end. When deadlines loom or I'm stressed out, I can count on them.
“It is so inspiring to be around these people because everybody comes with their own stories and their own strengths. Being able to help others out also feels empowering!”
If you qualify for the part-time fee grant, I strongly urge you to apply because it'll open so many doors for you."