Conference 2014

Exploring positive practice in learning disability: past and present

Held on 14th and 15th July 2014 at The Open University, Milton Keynes

Day one - 14th July 2014

Morning session


Keynote speech
Bill Mumford (CEO of MacIntyre Care)

Bill Mumford is the Director of the Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme seconded from the charity MacIntyre, where he is CEO; a position he has held for over 18 years.
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Coming to Cornwall: My journey from an intentional community to independent living
Mark Lindsey-Halls and Liz Ellis

Mark and Liz have been researching together about what it is like living in Cornwall. This presentation is about Mark’s journey from institutional living to independent living.
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The role of computers in promoting independence: a forgotten history?
Jane Seale

In the late 1980's and early 1990's I worked in two mental handicap hospitals in Staffordshire and two Adult Training Centres in Shropshire. My job was to use computers to help people with learning disabilities gain social and life skills such as shopping and travelling safely. 
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Working together: my rights and multimedia self-advocacy
Samantha Bergin Goncalves and Gosia Kwiatkowska

Multimedia Self-Advocacy means speaking up for yourself using pictures, sounds, videos and text. Being able to communicate your views and choices is your right. It is important for professionals to listen to what people with learning disabilities have to say and help them to make things happen.
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Afternoon session


30 years of learning disability nursing in England
Nicky Genders

There have been some studies of the history of learning disability nursing including those by Professor Duncan Mitchell. My work looks at learning disability nursing from 1979 onwards.
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Princess Marina Hospital staff memories of good practice
The Northamptonshire Healthcare NHSFT Finding Out Group, supported by Jan Walmsley

We are a group of researchers with learning disabilities called the Finding Out Group (FOG). We are supported by Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
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Using Appreciative Inquiry to gather stories of best practice and to improve lives
Yarrow - Diana Cadagon, Ayaz Nasir and Peter Kemp

Building Futures: stories - from past and present; people's (people supported, families and staff) real and deep involvement - planning for the organisation's future with everyone; and searching out, understanding and building on best practice.
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Including people with learning disabilities in the National Confidential Forum
Angela Henderson, Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability

The Scottish Government have just passed a new law in Scotland called the Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Act 2014. This law says there should be a new organisation in Scotland called the National Confidential Forum. People call this the NCF.
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Day two - 15th July 2014

Morning session


Keynote speech - The DH Good Practice Project: Saying Local and Mabel Cooper's work in schools
Sue Ledger, Sue Thorp, Lindy Shufflebotham and Jane Abraham

Sue, Sue and Lindy will talk about The Staying Local Project. Jane will talk about Mabel Cooper’s work in schools.
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Positive practice in supporting parents who have a learning disability
Heather Crozier, Sarah Morris and Nicky Genders

Many people with a learning disability who are parents or who want to become parents do not have a positive experience of trying to get support. In November 2012 we were given some funding to undertake a small project looking at how parents with a learning disability could be supported in a more positive way in our local area. 
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Our lives - our research - small things that make a big difference
The Building Bridges Research Group

Building Bridges research group is an inclusive research group of people with a learning disability. Most people have no support from services, and a couple just have a little staff support.
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The eSAY: eSAY - how information can improve the lives of people with learning disabilities in Scotland
Claire Stuart and Andy McKeown - The Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability

Policies for people with learning disabilities have changed over the years. The aim of these policies has been to support people with learning disabilities to live the lives they want in their communities.
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Afternoon session


New ways to understand personal assistance: Lessons from Sweden
Ciara Brennan and Rannveig Traustadóttir

Choice, control and independence are words often used to describe personal assistance. Sometimes these words are harmful or misleading because they exclude people who need extra support. Some laws and policies say that people cannot have assistance unless they prove that they can control it themselves. Sweden is different.
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Using technology for communication
Marion Stanton

Communication is vital. If you can't communicate you can't direct your support and stay in control of your life. This presentation will look at how technology can be used to help understanding, as well as choice-making and communication.
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A case study on independence
Dan Stanton and Marion Stanton

Dan is 25 years old and lives in his own flat. Nothing remarkable about that, except that he has severe cerebral palsy, meaning that he cannot move or talk.
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Final reflections and close of conference

Contact us

About the Group

If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:

Liz Tilley 
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

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