Conference 2013

Avoiding more Winterbourne Views: what can we learn from history?

Chair persons from the Carlisle People First Research Group at the 2013 conference

Held on 8th July 2013 at The Open University, Milton Keynes

The 2013 Conference is dedicated to the memory of Mabel Cooper, who sadly passed away on 22nd March 2013, aged 68. During the lunch period slides commemorating the life and work of Mabel were shown, and a book of condolences was available for people to record their tributes and memories.
Tribute to Mabel Cooper (PDF)

Delegates at the 2013 conference during the presentation I Don't Need to Be Angry Anymore

Gloria Ferris, Dorothy Atkinson and Jane Abraham at the 2013 conference

Morning session - chaired by members of the Carlisle People First Research Group


Sue Ledger and Nigel Ingham


Keynote speech - What has Winterbourne View Hospital taught us?

Margaret Flynn

Margaret Flynn will talk about the history of Winterbourne View Hospital and what is known about the 51 people who were patients there.
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I don't need to be angry any more

Associate Professor Bjørn-Eirik Johnsen, Assistant Professor Leif Lysvik and Associate Professor Terje Thomsen

By the end of 1995 all Norwegian institutions for people with intellectual disabilities were closed down, and the residents were transferred to local facilities.
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Getting someone to listen and Understanding history

Angela Still  and Craig Hart

Angela Still talks about the difficulties she has faced in getting someone to listen to her needs, while Craig Hart talks about how understanding history can help prevent scandals and abuse.
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Citizen advocacy is a way to make a positive difference

Barbara Perry

Barbara Perry talks about how citizen advocacy can make a positive difference in the lives of learning disabled people.
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Belonging in a community

Kelley Johnson, Rob Hopkins and Joe McGrath

This paper is about belonging and community. Belonging is about relationships with others, about knowing a place and about having a history that you and others share.
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Afternoon session - chaired by Craig Hart and Elizabeth Ellis

Remembering Mabel Cooper

Jane Abraham, Dorothy Atkinson and Gloria Ferris

Mabel Cooper played a major part in virtually all our conferences since they started in 1997. This year, for almost the first time in 16 years, she will not be with us for an event that she always looked forward to and enjoyed.
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No Going Back: Memories of Prudhoe Hospital

Tim Keilty and Sharon Harrison (Prudhoe residents)

Skills for People is a Self Advocacy Organisation based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. For the past two years we have been working on a project called 'No Going Back'.
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Preventing another Winterbourne View - the perspective from older family carers

Oxfordshire Family Support Network

Oxfordshire Family Support Network is small charity that is run by carers for carers. The Changing Scenes Project, aimed at older family carers aged over 60 was set up to offer peer to peer support to older families. This project has been running for just over 6 months.
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Learning disabilities and abuse: Learning the lessons from history

Rachel Fyson

There is a long history of people with learning disabilities being abused in hospitals. This is one reason why hospitals were closed down.
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Looking ahead to a better future

Sue Dumbleton and Jan Walmsley

This paper will be a personal reflection on 'what works' in supporting people who have a learning disability to enjoy a safe and productive life of their choosing.
Read the full abstract

Contact us

About the Group

If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:

Liz Tilley 
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

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