Conference 2006

Public and private lives - Biography and learning disability series (2)

Held on 30th March 2006 at The Open University, Milton Keynes
Public and private lives was the second conference in our 'Biography and learning disability' series

Morning session


Dorothy Atkinson

"Life Books" from my personal experience as a parent

Ann Tombs

What I mean by "Life Books" with examples from my family and friends, including people with learning disabilities and their families. The uses and abuses of Life Books.
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My life story: the great escape

Lloyd Page

Hello, my name is Lloyd Page. I am here today to tell you a little bit about my life, especially my escape from a day centre!
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The Hertfordshire History Project

David O'Driscoll

The Government White Paper Valuing People: A new strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century has, for one of its aims, the closure of all hospitals by 2004.
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Charlotte - 'My book of verse'

Pamela Dale

When researching the history of the Royal Western Counties Institution at Starcross I was disappointed to find that the patient records and all material referring to individuals, including photographs, had been deliberately destroyed when the hospital closed in the 1980s.
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"I think you meant ..." - reflecting on biography

Kelley Johnson

Twenty five people talked about their lives to a group of researchers who were working with people with learning disabilities on issues around sexuality and relationships. People had many different reasons for wanting to be part of this work.
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Afternoon session

(This was a short multi-media presentation - no audio is available)

"Is my story so different from yours?" The life stories of Eyglo Ebba Hreinsdottir and Anne Lewthwaite

Sue Ledger and Lindy Shufflebotham

Insistent Voices: stories on claiming identity

Tony Taylor and Pamela Page

This address is a response to the review of our book Insistent Voices, by Liz Tilley, which appeared in the magazine Oral History.
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How the computer has changed my life

Marjorie Chappell

No sooner did I own a computer, I started writing my mother's and my story, which I had always dreamt of writing. It will never be finished by me as 'The End' will have to be written by someone else!
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Aston Hall remembers

Robert Johnson

In May 2005 Aston Hall closed its doors for the last time to both people with a learning disability and to its staff working there.
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Contact us

About the Group

If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:

Liz Tilley 
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

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