Which bin should I use?

Walton Hall campus only, for other locations please check with your local support services teams.



Food waste including bones – excluding food  packaging

Dedicated food waste bin in pantry kitchens

Blue roll/hand towels/tissues/paper napkins

General waste bin (black sack)

Drinks cans/ food cans – rinsed and clean

Recycling bin (clear sack)

Tetra Pak food/drinks/milk carton

General waste (black sack)

Sandwich/sweet/crisp wrappers

General waste bin (black sack)

Plastic bottles (including lids) such as milk and drinks – rinsed & empty

Recycling bin (clear sack)

Glass – drinks bottles/food jars

Glass bin in dept. kitchens or one of the external glass bins

Electronic waste – desk fans/lights/microwaves/calculators etc. Remove batteries as appropriate

Place in waste collection room/area, do not place in a plastic sack

Cardboard – dry

Smaller items = recycling bin, larger boxes breakdown flat & place in waste collection room

Paper coffee cups & lids

Dedicated recycling bin in open catering outlets. Otherwise use general waste (black sacks)

Lever arched paper files

Recycling bin (clear sacks)

Plastic Lever arched files

General waste bin (black sacks)

Paper (non-confidential material) – including spiral notebooks, envelopes, file dividers

Recycling bins, larger volume use clear sacks & place in waste collection room/point


General waste bins, for larger pieces of waste place in waste hold area, smaller pieces should be bagged using a black sack

CDs – non sensitive material

Box up and contact Estates Liaison, requesting collection, please indicate volume of CDs

CDs – sensitive material

Box up and clearly identify CDs are for secure disposal, contact Estates Liaison Line for the porters to collect

Confidential waste

Use a dept. based shredder, or dedicated bin. For large quantities request dedicated waste sacks via Estates Liaison Line, remember to keep waste secure in a locked cupboard or room and ask Estates Liaison Line to arrange collection by the porters. Please note that waste collection areas and open plan offices are not classed as secure locations

Light bulbs & fluorescent tubes

Contact Estates Liaison Line

Batteries – alkaline only

Recycling bins in the catering outlets

Hard Plastics

General waste (for large items, ask the porters to collect)


Contact Estates Liaison and ask the porters to collect

Tempered glass

Ask the porters to collect


Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University