What's new

During 2023 we are:

  • progressing rolling out paper confidential waste sacks and withdrawing yellow plastic sacks from the Walton Hall campus. This change will simplify our suppliers shredding process and avoid using unnecessary plastic sacks.
  • Introducing a dedicated waste stream for old chairs/sofas in response to POP’s (persistent organic pollutants).
  • withdrawing recycling empty crisp packets as we are unable to source a supplier.


Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University