The Waste Journey Continues...

The University moved away from dedicated desk bins and onto central waste stations in 2010/11. These changes improved recycling rates, reduced the number of waste sacks used across the estate and provided a more effective use of the cleaning team’s time.

Every location has its own dedicated waste and recycling service, for the Nations and Locations please refer to your local Support Services teams.

For Walton Hall see the streams currently being processed:-


Paper and Cardboard


Dedicated central paper bins are available across all buildings. Bins are regularly emptied by the cleaning team and waste sent off for processing into new product.


Cardboard is collected in offices, broken down and placed in waste collection points for regular collection.

Waste Metal


All suitable metal is stored on site, we are able to recycle both Ferrous and Non-ferrous metals.

Contractors transport the metal to their depot in Milton Keynes, where it is sorted and smelted. All metal processed is sold on to UK manufacturers.

The Open University receives a rebate for all metal recycled.

Food Waste

All kitchens have small food caddies which can accept food & vegetable scraps, meat and bones, teabags & coffee grounds. Waste is sent for anaerobic digestion with energy being returned to the national grid.


Our contractor separates the wood waste into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ quality. High quality wood is used for pet bedding or for processing into chipboard. Lower quality wood goes for biomass fuel. Certain sized wood pallets are being reused by the Wellingborough Warehouse.

Waste WEEE

WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)

Electrical waste is classed as hazardous waste. No matter how big or small an item is, it should be disposed of via this dedicated waste stream. Please contact Estates Liaison Line clearly identifying the item needing disposal.

Note some items, especially from the laboratories, may require referring to our contractor for specialist disposal.

Waste is transported to a local waste plan where it is sorted into components that can be re-used and metal and plastic that can be recycled.

Waste Bottles

Recycling (Dry mixed recycling)

Dedicated central recycling bins are available across all buildings. Bins are regularly emptied by the cleaning team and waste sent off for processing into new product.

Items such as empty plastic bottles, clean food/drinks cans, clean yoghurt pots, paper, waste is sent to a recycling plant where it is segregated into waste type and then sent for reprocessing into new material.

Waste CDs


We have expanded the recycling of CDs and are now able to recycle:

  • Audio cassettes
  • Video cassettes
  • Floppy discs

They are boxed and palletised then delivered for recycling by our Porters.

General Waste (Refuse to Fuel)

Dedicated central bins are available across all buildings which are regularly emptied by the cleaning team. Our waste supplier further sorts our waste, with any recyclable items which have entered this waste stream by mistake being removed and recycled and the residue being sent off and used to produce energy.


Staff are encouraged to remove glass to kitchens for recycling, using the caddies provided. The Glass is reprocessed and used in road aggregate.

To avoid the risk of injury glass should not be put in the normal waste stream. 

Green Garden Waste

Green waste is taken to a local farm where it is composted and used as fertilizer.


Receptacles for the recycling of batteries can be found in catering outlets as follows:

  • The Hub
  • Berrill Café
  • Michael Young Café
  • East Campus Café

Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University