What can I recycle?

Paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminium cans, tins, glass, CDs/audio cassettes, fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, electrical equipment, carpet tiles, metal, wood, food and batteries can all be recycled.

What can't currently be recycled?

Blue roll, tissues, paper hand towels, napkins, plastic cutlery, sweet/biscuits wrappers and any wrapper that is heavily contaminated with food cannot be recycled.

Recycling technology continues to move on and we take advantage of this as new options for recycling become available. We will keep you up to date with our latest initiatives through members of the Go Green Co-ordinators and other internal communications channels including the OU-Life intranet site. 

When will my waste be collected?

Paper will be removed from recycling stations by the cleaning team and taken to your usual waste collection points

At Regions and Nations:
Contact your RSM or Office Services team for more information on your local recycling.

At Walton Hall:
The Portering team will collect waste from waste collection points once a week on your regular collection day (see your building representative for more information or contact Estates-Liaison 01908 653286).

The cleaning team will collect general waste and plastic/cans recyclable waste daily. 

What if I'm having an office clear-out?

During office clear-outs or moves more waste is generated than usual. Please contact Estates-Liaison to discuss your waste management needs, to include additional sacks (clear for paper, plastic bottles and cans, and paper sacks for confidential waste).

How do I get a new desk tray?

Contact Estates-Liaison  01908 653268 who will be able to deal with your query. 

What should I do with tissues?

Tissues cannot be recycled and therefore should be taken to the closest general waste unit or flushed down the toilet. 

What should I do with food waste?

All food waste should be placed into the green food waste bin located in every kitchen. 

What should I do with wet waste?

All wet waste should be placed into the general waste units in kitchens. 

How can I dispose of hard to recycle items?

Some products are challenging to recycle because they contain intricate parts, strict recycling requirements, or inadequate recycling infrastructure. We’ve listed below some of these items and suggestions where you can recycle them around Milton Keynes:

Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University