The scheme is a collaboration between Santander, Milton Keynes Council (MKC) and Milton Keynes City Centre Management. Please visit the map of all docking stations across Milton Keynes.
At the Open University we have a 10-cycle rack located on the St. Michael’s Drive.
For more information on using and hiring the bikes,and to find your nearest bike, visit Santander Cycles website.
Please follow the link for information from nextbike on climate friendly mobility and how these bikes can reduce transport emissions and support the health and wellbeing of staff.
Santander Cycles is operated by nextbike
Find out more at
The University has a blanket insurance policy providing benefits in the event of serious injuries to members of staff whilst on University business. The insurance applies to all staff for accidents occurring only whilst on University duty or in related commuting. Any serious accident to a member of staff should be notified to the Insurance Officer, Finance & Business Services.
Accidents and personal injuries should be reported to the Occupational Health & Safety Department. Claims from students or third parties, should be passed onto the Insurance Office, Finance & Business Services. Buildings and all other damage or losses should be reported to the Insurance Officer, Finance & Business Services.
The Open University
Travel Advice
First Floor
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
01908 659784