Journey Share

Journey SharingImage of car made from crowd of people

The University runs a scheme for staff who want to share lifts. You can then split your fuel costs if you decided to car share as well as cut your carbon footprint. For these users we provide specially designated spaces for car sharers, you can also find travel companions, in walking, cycling, bus or train and sharing a taxi.

For anyone that using the Journey Share for car sharing:

Each car sharer is issued a Car Share Permit and the special parking spaces can only be used by cars displaying the permit, to show that the passenger(s) and driver have shared their journey to work.  Please note that you will only be issued with a permit once you have registered and grouped yourself on the car share database.

To register for journey sharing use the Jambusters Online Database

For more information, please visit the FAQs

Car Parking Regulations for car sharers for Journey Share Members

  • The permit will need to be displayed in the windscreen by cars parked in the car share bays
  • The permit is not transferable
  • Car share members not matched will not be able to use the bays
  • Parking in a car share bay not displaying a permit is not permitted
  • Copying of car share permits is not permitted
  • Car sharers may only use the bays when they have shared their journey to work so if your car share partner is off sick, leave or absent then you will not be able to use the bay


Car Share Permits

The Car Share Permit is collected from the security once you receive an email confirmation from the travel-advice team.

Please visit Large Printable Map to view the campus map in more detail.