Bus Services

Bus image


The Loop Arriva bus service runs to our Walton Hall Campus bus stops on St. Michael’s Drive on average once an hour throughout the day, Monday-Saturday, providing transport links to Milton Keynes Rail Station, Bletchley Bus Station, Kingston and surrounding areas.

The 8/8A Arriva bus service runs to our Walton Hall Campus bus stops every 20 minutes in the mornings and evenings, Monday-Friday and provides links to Milton Keynes Rail Station, Kingston and surrounding areas. The service is available during the day from Walnut Tree Roundabout bus stops, about 15-20 minute walk. Walking map route below.

The 5/6 Arriva bus services run from Netherfield bus stops every 10 minutes throughout the day and evening, Monday-Sunday, providing links to Bletchley areas, Milton Keynes Rail Station, The Hospital, Wolverton and Stony Stratford, and further surrounding areas. This bus stop is about 15-20 minute walk from campus. Walking map route below.

Please visit the Campus Map for bus stop locations.


ServiceOperatorRoute and link to service informationService update
The LoopArrivaLoop-TimetableEffective from 6th January 2025
8/8AArriva8/8A Wavendon Gate to Westcroft and Oxley Park Bus Route & Timetables | Arriva Bus UKEffective from 1st September 2024
5/6Arriva5/6 Wolverton to Bletchley and Newton Leys Bus Route & Timetables | Arriva Bus UK 
Cranfield ConnectUnocranfield-webmap-aug21.pdf 

For further weekday times and during weekends there are regular bus services in close proximity to the Walton Hall Campus (within a 20 minute walking distance) which provide alternate routes and destinations.

Find UK Bus Routes & Local Timetables | Arriva Bus


Uno Bus runs the Cranfield Connect Bus Route service taking passengers from Cranfield University to CMK Train station or to Bedford. This bus stops near our Walton Hall Campus on the V10 and also offers discounted tickets for students. Follow link for further information Cranfield students | Uno (unobus.info) 

MK Connect is an accessible public transport option for residents who are not served by a bus route or when other modes of transport are not appropriate. Follow link to MK Connect Page for further information. MK Connect | Estates (open.ac.uk)


Walking Routes from Walton Hall Campus to Nearby Bus Stops


Milton Keynes Bus Routes and Stops

The Loop Map

The Loop Bus Map

Arriva Spider Map - excluding The Loop Service (above)

More information on bus timetables, maps and travel updates please visit Milton Keynes Council Highways and Transport Hub/bus and taxi/bus timetables maps and travel updates website

General travel information relating to Milton Keynes please visit Milton Keynes Council Highways and Transport Hub website


Planning your journey

To help plan your journey to work please visit the Traveline website or or Get Around MK.

These websites havw many options available for your preferred commute to work.

You can also check bus times by visiting the Real Time Bus Information website



When buying a rail ticket to Milton Keynes or Bletchley, adding a PlusBus ticket gives you unlimited bus travel on participating operators’ services, around the urban area of Milton Keynes, Bletchley and Wolverton. For more details, including participating operators, please visit the PlusBus website


Discounted Bus Travel

  • Arriva Employer Travel Club

The Open University MK and Arriva and have joined together to offer great value travel ticket discounts to anyone using an Arriva Bus service to travel to-and-from work. For more information please visit  Discounts | Estates (open.ac.uk)

  • Smart-go

The Open University is now a member of the SmartGo scheme, giving all staff FREE access to a range of discounts and incentives to help make your commuting and leisure journeys cheaper, easier or healthier. For more information please visit  Discounts | Estates (open.ac.uk)


Buses to and from Airports 

The nearest airport to the Open University is London Luton Airport (LLA) which is 24 miles from Campus, taking approximately 30-40minutes by car and 1 hour by bus.  Please visit London Luton Airport website for more information.

Although there is not a direct bus service between the Campus and Luton Airport, there is an hourly Route 99 Stagecoach service that calls at nearby Kingston. For more information please visit Live Bus Times & Timetables and search route MK1.