Student at desk

Students in Prisons and Secure Hospitals

Tutor Information

Please note:

Tutor details are confidential and should not, under any circumstances, be shared with the student. These records should be held by you only and are not to be passed to the student.

Tutors are usually assigned to students once registration has been completed and as module start date approaches.

In the majority of cases you will be sent an email prior to the module start date with information advising which tutor has been allocated to support which student(s) in your prison taking an OU module. However, there may be occasions where this is not possible, for instance if the student is registered after the final enrolment date or there have been delays processing registration documents. In situations like this the tutor details will be sent as soon as we have received notification that a tutor has been allocated.

Students who are released or transferred

If a student is released or transferred to a different prison we request that you notify the SiSE registration team immediately to ensure there is minimal disruption to their studies and to enable us to notify the tutors accordingly. In some cases it may be necessary to allocate the student to a new tutor if they move a significant distance.