About Resources

On this page you will find a number of resources to be used to support Students in Secure Environments (SiSE). Starting with the Prospectus which informs students of the modules and qualifications on offer to them and can be used before reserving onto a module. Next, the Module Information Sheets which provide details on how the SiSE experience of the module may differ and should always be referred to before registering. Once registered, the module Materials Lists should be used to check that printed materials have arrived for the relevant study week or have transferred with a student into your establishment.

 The SiSE Prospectus

 Each academic year The Open University produces a new prospectus for Students in SiSE  which contains all the qualifications and modules available to new and existing students. A  paper copy of 'A Guide for Learners' can be requested via phone or email.

 View the digital prospectus

 Module Information Sheets (MIS)

 To ensure that a module is suitable for the student and can be completed at your  establishment (IT requirements can be met, study hours are  achievable etc.) please refer  to the specific MIS.

 View the MIS

 Module Material Lists

 A full materials list for all modules is available to enable students to keep track of the printed  pack components and identify missing items.

 View the materials lists

We have a range of Study Skills booklets that are available to registered OU students to download as PDFs.

These can be accessed via the Virtual Campus in prisons or via the OU Help centre. 


The following forms may be required throughout OU study