Student at desk

Students in Prisons and Secure Hospitals

Deferring/cancelling modules

If a student in a secure environment is struggling with their study due to personal cirumstances they have the option in most cases to defer and return to study at a later date.

As the student will possibly incur some financial liability for the cost of the module, depending on the point at which they defer, other options prior to choosing this route could be to discuss extensions for TMAs with the tutor or maybe arrange an advice and guidance session with the regional SiSE manager.

Deferrals can generally be requested at any point up until the last working day (excluding weekends and bank holidays) before the exam or end of module assessment (EMA) deadline date. If students do defer they may still be liable for part or all of the current module’s fee but may receive a discount that can be used against a future module.

If the module hasn't started or it's less than 14 days since it started it is possible to cancel the registration without any financial liability.

Deferring with assessment banking (AB)

Some modules are eligible for assessment banking, this means that the scores for assignments already completed can be kept and will count towards the module when returning to study.

Deferring with assessment banking means the student must return to the same module within 13 months from the original start date.

With assessment banking all scores up to the date of deferral must be carried over. It's not possible to resubmit any assignments that have been banked or submit assignments that have been missed.

Deferring without assessment banking

It is also possible to defer without carrying over assignment scores.

How to defer

If a student would like to proceed with a deferral they will need to contact their regional SiSE support team and they will be provided with the relevant information and a deferral request form. The student will be advised of the options available and the financial implications. The student will need to submit a completed deferral form which will indicate the manner of their deferral request.

Changing modules and qualification

If a student in a secure environment wants to change the qualification or module they are registered on please advise your regional SiSE support team. The student may need to talk to a regional manager for further advice and guidance, dependant upon the changes they wish to make.

Changing a qualification may mean that they are unable to use all the credits from modules they have already completed, whereas changing modules may have an impact on their qualification choice.