A guide for students leaving prison

When you leave prison, many aspects of your life will change, and you will have new priorities and pressures on your time. However, as an Open University (OU) student you can continue with your studies wherever you are living in the UK and even if you move abroad.

  • Would you like to continue your OU studies after leaving prison?
  • Are you worried about combining study with your new lifestyle?
  • We can help you make the transition to OU study on the outside so you can use the knowledge and skills you acquire productively.

This website aims to help you make the transition to OU study on the outside, where you will be responsible for your own learning and will have access to a wide range of support services to help you through your modules.

We hope you will continue to enjoy your OU studies, and that you will be able to use the knowledge and skills you acquire productively in your new life.

A support pack for released students is now available which contains a range of resources to help you transition smoothly from studying in prison to studying in the community. The pack also provides you with information on Open University resources such as the library, the Study Support Fund and a Support for people with convictions leaflet that provides information about agencies who focus on supporting people with convictions to get back into employment.


Preparing for Release

Preparing For Release

Make sure you have everything you need to study on release.

When You're Released

When You're Released

Get in touch and keep studying.

Submitting TMAs

Submitting TMAs

You can email your TMA into the eTMA system but postal options are available.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

Find out about study support at the OU.

Study Aids

Study Aids

The Open University have produced a set of study skills booklets.

Exams, Additional Requirements and Course Choice

Exams, Additional Requirements and Course Choice

Exams, special study arrangements and help choosing your next course.

Careers Advice

Careers Advice

As a student with the OU you are eligible for careers support.

Nations Contacts

Nations Contacts

For students living in Scotland, Wales, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


Contact us

Students in Secure Environments (SiSE)
The Open University
Berrill Building
Milton Keynes

Email the SISE Student Risk Checks team