
Most OU modules have a three-hour examination, usually held during the last two weeks of the modules. Depending on whether there are any licence conditions attached to your release, you can either take your exam in an OU examination centre or within a side room at the same venue. The University needs to know well in advance so that arrangements can be made for you to attend your chosen venue.

Additional requirements

If you have required special study arrangements in the past due to a disability or other additional requirements, these can continue after your release. The SiSE-Accessibility team will require advance notification of any additional requirements and these can be requested by email or telephone.

You can also request or download a copy of the Meeting your needs booklet, which will provide you with useful information. 

Course choice

Open University qualifications are recognised by most other educational organisations such as colleges and universities. While in prison, you may have received advice and guidance regarding your choice of qualification and modules and this level of help will still be available after your release. However, you will probably need to take more responsibility for getting the information and advice you need.

If, after your risk assessment has been reviewed, we are able to offer full online access, you will be able to gain this advice and guidance from one of our Student Support teams. However, if we are only able to provide restricted access to our online services, your advice and guidance will be provided by the educational advisors within the SiSE team. Restricted access will provide you with links to your module webpages, access to tutorial support and to our eTMA system  - so you can submit your assignments by email.


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