When You’re Released

You should contact our Student Registration team on 0300 303 6789, or by email at SR-SiSE@open.ac.uk, as soon as possible to provide them with the following information:

  • Name of your Probation Officer
  • Your Probation Officer’s telephone number and/or email address
  • The Probation Service you come under
  • Your new address, telephone number and email

Once we are in receipt of these details, we will start our post release support checks. For this we will contact your Probation Officer and ask that they complete our risk assessment form before returning it to us for assessing. Please note the outcome of this form will not only affect the level of online access permitted to you but also the modules/qualifications available to you for study.

Unfortunately, until these post release support checks have been completed you will be unable to attend any tutorials, be permitted any form of online access, or have direct contact with your tutor.

To help you plan, please be aware that if your licence restricts you from contact with under 16s or 18s, you are on the sex offenders’ register, are subject to a sexual harm prevention order or are classed as high risk to any group of people, you will not receive full online access. This is to safeguard the young and vulnerable students who study with us. However, this will not stop you studying at either undergraduate or postgraduate level, as you will continue to study from the SiSE prospectus.

This safeguarding work is carried out by the Student Risk Checks team and this link outlines the framework which supports this.

In the meantime, while the post release support checks are being carried out, you can contact the Student Risk Checks team by email at student-risk-checks@open.ac.uk. They can act as a point of contact between you and your tutor regarding such things as requesting TMA extensions and any other study related issues. In addition to this they can also order replacements for any missing module materials.

Please remember that after your release you’ll be responsible for planning your study time, checking cut-off dates, submitting TMAs and dealing with your tutor and the OU.


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