
Latest news articles are below. Blogs are available here.

The Open University Business School Student and Alumni Awards

Awards for Business School's highest achievers

A Callander-based mum has been awarded a Professional Certificate in Accounting at The Open University Business School Student and Alumni Awards.

7th August 2017
Equate Scotland programme

Open Outlook - June 2017

Find out more about the latest news and events from The Open University in Scotland, with the June 2017 issue of Open Outlook.

7th August 2017
Professor Monica Grady

Cosmic Collisions: secrets of the universe explored

Scientists helping to unlock the secrets of our solar system and the nature of the universe will be among the star attractions at Scotland’s Cosmic Collisions event in Dumfries and Galloway on June 23 and 24.

7th August 2017
Astronomical Telescopes

OU brings astronomical telescopes to students in their home

The OU Faculty of STEM is celebrating the inauguration of its remotely-controlled robotic telescopes, which will bring astronomy and space science to life for students whenever and wherever they are in the world.

7th August 2017
Sheila MacDonald

Inverness invigilator reaches 40 year mark

An invigilator from Inverness has scored an exam milestone, supervising assessments with The Open University in Scotland for four decades.

7th August 2017
Pete Cannell and Claire Hewitt

Parkinson's UK and Open University Hailed

The Understanding Parkinson’s online learning course for health and social care professionals has been shortlisted in the Demonstrating Digital category of the 2017 Scottish Charity Awards.

4th August 2017
Karen Henry, Eileen Gibson and Tony Mackie

Glasgow student wins social work award

High-flying graduates from an innovative Open University in-house degree programme at Glasgow City Council have received awards in memory of a late colleague.

4th August 2017
Brian Ronald

STUC Union Learning Award For OU Graduate

An Open University in Scotland graduate and Unite the Union Learning Representative has been announced as an award winner at a ceremony featuring First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC).

4th August 2017
Sally Magnusson, OU Honorary Graduate and founder of the charity Playlist for Life

Music and new technology can help those with dementia

There are around 100,000 people in Scotland living with dementia, but can new technology and the use of music help them and their families feel more connected?

4th August 2017
Universal goals and sustainable development report cover

Universal Goals, Devolved Powers: The Sustainable Development Goals and the UK’s Response

A new report is launched today (Monday 20 March) which examines the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and their implementation in the UK, especially within the context of the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

4th August 2017

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