
New Publication: (June 2020) Li et al. Tectonics, Oligocene deformation of the Chuandian terrane in the SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau related to the extrusion of Indochina

This new publication, available in Tectonics, provides a revised chronostratigraphy for Lühe Basin. This revised chronostratigraphy provides additional evidence to support the theory that many of the "Neogene" sedimentary basins in the SE margin of Tibet being older than had been previously thought. Ar-Ar ages from volcanic ashes and new magnetostratigraphic data constrain sedimentation in the Lühe Basin to between ~35 and 26.5 Ma

20th May 2020

New Publication (April 2020): Ceccato et. al. Journal of Structural Geology

Ceccato, A.; Menegon, L.; Warren, C.J. and Halton, A.M. (2020). Structural and metamorphic inheritance controls strain partitioning during orogenic shortening (Kalak Nappe Complex, Norwegian Caledonides). Journal of Structural Geology (Early access).

20th April 2020

New Publication (Feb 2020): Sheldrick et al, Scientific Reports

This new paper just published online in the journal Scientific Reports looks at evidence for thinning of the lithosphere in East Asian during the Mesozoic. By looking at the geochemistry of a set of dated volcanic samples from Russia, Mongolia and North China the timing of lithospheric thinning and the duration of this process can be studied.
The results suggest a switch from a metasomatised subcontinental lithospheric mantle to a predominantly asthenospheric magma source occurred at ~107Ma in Mongolia and North China while the switch occurred later, at ~85Ma in eastern Russia

26th February 2020

New Publication (Oct 2019): Sheldrick et al. Gondwana Research "Evidence for southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate: implications from Mesozoic adakitic lavas from Mongolia" [edit Feb 2020]

A new paper availible on line now in Gondwana Research looking at the petrogenesis of Mesozoic lavas from Monglia combines Ar-Ar dating, major and trace element chemistry, and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic data. The combination of data sets on several different sets of lavas allowed several tectonic models to be proposed and combining the new models proposed with previsou evidence supports the sugestion that the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean closed with double-sided subduction....

Read all the details:

30th September 2019

New Publication (Sept 2019): Bianco et al. Lithos "The lawsonite-glaucophane blueschists of Elba Island (Italy)"

A new paper has just been published containing Ar-Ar dating from the OU Ar-Ar and Noble Gas Lab which looks at the lawsonite-glaucophane blueschists of Elba Island (Italy).

23rd September 2019

Sept 2019: Viva Success - congratulations Simone Cogliati

Congratulations to Simone Cogliati who has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Noble gas analysis of volcanic glass particles: a better understanding of volcano degassing and implications for Ar/Ar dating of eruptions".

Wishing you success with the next stage of your career 


23rd September 2019

May 2019: Thesis Submission - well done Simone Cogliati

Simone Cogliati submitted his PhD thesis titled: "Noble gas analysis of volcanic glass particles: a better understanding of volcano degassing and implications for Ar/Ar dating of eruptions" today (24/5/19)!

16th April 2019

New Publication (April 2019): Moles et al. Geology

Moles, J.D., McGarvie, D., Stevenson, J.A., Sherlock, S.C., Abbott, P.M., Jenner, F.E. & Halton, A..M. (2019) InPress, Geology. Widespread tephra dispersal and ignimbrite emplacement from a subglacial volcano (Torfajökull, Iceland)


5th April 2019

Feb 2019: Viva Success - congratulations Jon Moles

Many congratulations to PhD student Jon Moles who succcessfully defended his thesis last week.

18th February 2019

PhD opportunities advertised in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

24 PhD projects are currently listed on the School website covering a wide range of topics, reflecting the broad research interests of the school, many of which are assocaited with the CENTA 2 Doctoral Training Partnership

These include one project involving Ar-Ar dating and Noble Gas Studies:

22nd November 2018
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Contact us

Argon/Argon & Noble Gas Research Group
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA

Lead Academic - Dr Sarah Sherlock
Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 659559 (office),

Lab Manager - Dr Alison Halton
+44 (0) 1908 659449 (office)