
New Paper alert: Papadopoulou et al 2024. Gondwana Research, Evidence for long lived continental intraplate volcanism

Papadopoulou, Martha; Barry, Tiffany; Dash, Batulzii; Halton, Alison; Sherlock, Sarah and Hunt, Alison (2024). Evidence for long-lived (>100 Myr) continental intraplate volcanism: Mongolia since the last ocean closure. Gondwana Research (in press).

21st May 2024

New Paper alert: Celik et al 2023, "New evidence for the presence of the Inner Tauride Ocean....."

Ömer Faruk Çelik, Rahmi Melih Çörtük; Mutlu Özkan; Joshua H.F.L. Davies; Andrea Marzoli; Sarah C. Sherlock; Andrea Risplendente; Alison M. Halton; Morgann Perrot (2023) New evidence for the presence of the Inner Tauride Ocean: Lithological, geochronological and P-T correlations with the Tavsanlı and Afyon zones of central Anatolia (Türkiye), Lithos 462-463 (107409)

15th November 2023

New Paper alert: Cortuk et al 2023 "Late Cretaceous -Paleogene tectonothermal evolution of Akdag Msasif in the central anatolian crystalline complex

Cörtük, R.M. Çelik, O.F., Özkan, M, Marzoli, A., Halton, A. and, Sherlock,S. (2023) Late Cretaceous – Paleogene Tectonothermal Evolution of the Akdağ Massif in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. Journal of Asian Geology, 255, 105775


1st August 2023

Lab members at Metamorphic Studies Group Research In Progress meeting, April 2023

In April 2023, several researchers from the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems joined many others in Oxford (with additional online attendees as well) to enjoy 2 days of metamorphic research presentations and networking opportunities at the Metamorphic Studies Group Research in Progress meeting 2023. Sander Hoogendoorn presented a poster including recent Ar/Ar work completed as part of his PhD research, "Exploring the 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Agly Massif, Southern France: What are we actually dating"

10th May 2023

New Paper "Late Paleocene-Middle Eocene magmatic flare-up in western Anatolia"

Okay, Aral I.; Topuz, Gültekin; Kylander-Clark, Andrew R.C.; Sherlock, Sarah and Zattin, Massimiliano (2022). Late Paleocene – Middle Eocene magmatic flare-up in western Anatolia. Lithos, 428-429, article no. 106816

10th May 2023

New Paper, Teal et al (2021). Geochronology and geochemistry of the South Scotia Ridge: Miocene island arc volcanism of the Scotia Sea.

Riley, Teal R.; Burton-Johnson, Alex; Leat, Philip T.; Hogan, Kelly A. and Halton, Alison M. (2021). Geochronology and geochemistry of the South Scotia Ridge: Miocene island arc volcanism of the Scotia Sea.

Global and Planetary Change, 205(103615) This new publication looks at the South Scotia Ridge and gives new geochemistry and geochronology of samples from across the Discovery Bank. These new ages suggest the ancestral South Sandwich arc with active between 14 and 10 Ma, younger than previously suggested.

18th October 2022

New Publication (March 2021): Tracking the behaviour of persistently degassing volcanoes using noble gas analysis of Pele's hairs and tears

Cogliati, S., Sherlock, S., Halton, A., Reid, K., Rymer, H. and Kelley, S. (2021). Tracking the behaviour of persistently degassing volcanoes using noble gas analysis of Pele's hairs and tears: A case study of the Masaya volcano (Nicaragua). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

1st March 2021

New Publication December 2020 "Geochronology of volcanically associated hydrocarbon charge in the pre-salt carbonates of the Namine Basin, Angola

Rochelle-Bates, N.; Roberts, N.M.W.; Sharp, I.; Freitag, U.; Verwer, K.; Halton, Alison; Fiordalisi, E.; van Dongen, B.E.; Swart, R.; Ferreira, C.H.; Dixon, R. and Schroder, S. (2020). Geochronology of volcanically associated hydrocarbon charge in the pre-salt carbonates of the Namibe Basin, Angola. Geology (Early Access).

7th December 2020

New Publication (September 2020): Cogliatti et al. Journal of the Geological Society, London

Simone Cogliati, Sarah Sherlock, Alison Halton, Alena Ebinghaus, Simon, Kelley, David Jolley & Tiffany Barry. "Expanding the toolbox for dating basaltic lava sequences: 40Ar–39Ar dating of silicic volcanic glass from interbeds." Journal of the Geological Society, London (Vol 178 (1))

14th September 2020
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Contact us

Argon/Argon & Noble Gas Research Group
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA

Lead Academic - Dr Sarah Sherlock
Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 659559 (office),

Lab Manager - Dr Alison Halton
+44 (0) 1908 659449 (office)