Jons research focusses on Tindfjallajökull volcano in Iceland and involved mapping of the volcano [published last year in Journal of Maps : Geology of Tindfjallajökull volcano, Iceland Moles, Jonathan D.; McGarvie, Dave; Stevenson, John A. and Sherlock, Sarah C. Journal of Maps, 14(2) (pp. 22-31)].
The project also involved Ar dating of ryolite and glass from the 55Ka erutpion of Torfajökull volcano, ash from which has been used as a marker horizon - [paper in review]
Papadopoulou, Martha; Barry, Tiffany; Dash, Batulzii; Halton, Alison; Sherlock, Sarah and Hunt, Alison (2024). Evidence for long-lived (>100 Myr) continental intraplate volcanism: Mongolia since the last ocean closure.
Argon/Argon & Noble Gas Research Group
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
Lead Academic - Dr Sarah Sherlock
Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 659559 (office),
Lab Manager - Dr Alison Halton
+44 (0) 1908 659449 (office)