
Security have a 24 hour presence and are on site 365 days a year, they do regular walks of the site to ensure everything is safe and secure. Their lodge can be found at the front of campus just as you enter on the left hand side. In case anything is misplaced please check with our Security Team as they handle lost property on site.

They are a very accommodating team and so if something was left in the office over the weekend or overnight, they can pick it up and hold it at the Security Lodge. If you have any safety concerns whilst on site, they will be happy to help resolve them. If you work late into the evening and would like an escort to your car Security will be happy to provide this.

Cars and Parking

Cars should be registered with Security so that if anything were to happen, they can contact you immediately and make you aware. This can be done by sending your car details and a contact name and number to .

General allocation accessible parking spaces are available in car parks adjacent to buildings for use by drivers with the relevant badges/permits. Requests for reserved accessible parking should be directed to Estates Liaison Line. We ask that you please park in the relevant bays whether that be a regular parking bay, car share or an EV charging bay. When using an EV charging bay we ask that once your car is charged to please move your vehicle to a regular parking bay.

ID Cards

There are two entrances onto campus which are controlled by barriers out of hours. Access to site is via your Access ID Card. When exiting campus approach the barriers and scan your ID card to open them. The barriers are also fitted with Intercoms which link directly to Security.

Any issues with ID cards or Keys please contact Security. ID cards should be worn at all times, if your ID card has been misplaced please speak to Security about getting a new one.


The Open University operates a Staff Emergency Information Line 01908 655666. If for any reason the site is closed due to snow fall or for safety reasons a message will be placed on this line by 0700hrs.

Please also see The open University's CCTV Code of Practice and Control to Access to Premises Policy.

Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University