Events and OU Clubs


Within the Estates team there is the Events team who are on campus to help with booking meeting rooms and any additional event space needed. The team can also help to supply catering packages for your booked meeting rooms. If you wish to speak to the Events team please contact them at .

OU Club

The Open University also offer affiliated clubs on site, with 39 different clubs there are plenty to choose from. The OU Club is run by staff to provide social and recreational facilities, this forms a part of staff benefits. The affiliated clubs are also open to members of the public, should there be a vacancy available. 

If you wish to join a club please speak to the OU club in the first instance at . The sports facilities on campus are accessed through membership of the relevant affiliated sports club.

Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University