
Throughout the year Estates send out communications to your nominated building contact, one of these will be notifications of works. If your building is affected you will receive an email detailing what works will be taking place and when, we ask that you inform your staff. Further information on other communications you may receive can be found here.

For out of hours, ideally we would have two points of contact for this to ensure we can always reach someone. This contact would be used if the building you are occupying is affected, or if a campus wide event has prevented staff from attending site. This could be due to building leaks, flood, snow, power cut etc.

There are multiple children centres on site, Acorn Nursery and Walton Pre-Preparatory Nursery. We ask that you are considerate of these centres and their drop off and pick up parking.

Ring Road

To ensure everyone can travel around campus safely we have a one way system in place. The ring road passes the football pitch and tennis courts, and gives access to the buildings on the North side of campus. 
As this road is so close to the river Ouzel, it is often flooded during high rainfall. When this happens the Security will team inform campus and put up the relevant signage to suspend the one way system. The signage can be seen at the entrance to the campus and just before the start of the one way system.

Contact us - General

Email : Estates-Liaison

Estates Liaison Line:
 +44(0)1908 653286

Main Switchboard
+44(0)1908 274066

The Open University
Geoffrey Crowther Building
Walton Hall

Opening Hours:
08:00-17:30 Monday-Thursday
08:00-17:00 Friday

Contact the OU

The Open University