Nursing in Wales

A nurse having a conversation with a patient

The OU in Wales has a nursing degree scheme, which allows healthcare assistants to study flexibly for a nursing degree while continuing to work in their local hospital or care home.

The programme covers all four fields of nursing which are:

  • Adult
  • Mental Health
  • Learning Disability
  • Child & Young Person

Each are approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council as part of their Future Nurse Curriculum.

Students need to be employed in a role (NHS or third sector) where they deliver nursing care and can access two registered nurses for supervision and assessment. If they work in residential care and do not have access to two registered nurses but want to study at this level they can instead register for our Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care Practice (Wales) (T34) (Please note only 60 credits of this certificate will be eligible for consideration towards the nursing degree.)

We recommend that candidates register for the Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare Practice (T01), choosing the 16 month rather than the 12 month option. This includes two modules. One is on theory, (K102) and the other (K104) combines practice and theory.

T01 students will study for their certificate alongside their job, and won’t need a student uniform or be released for practice placements. They’ll need access to a supervisor for 15 hours a week during work time.

(Pre-registration nursing students will need a student uniform and be released 15 hours a week to take part in their practice placements, as well as an additional supported study day).

After successfully completing T01, there are a number of options for entry to stage 2 of the nursing degree. These depend on individual situations, and are subject to recruitment and selection processes.

If you are

  • prospective students
  • employers
  • workforce development staff
  • HR managers

you can discuss the programme with us, and we’ll guide you through the process.

Contact us on

Click here to find out more about the nursing degree.