Let's work together

People smiling in an office


We work with employers and trade unions to provide flexible, accredited solutions to enhance skills in the workplace, such as our Degree Apprenticeships.

Volunteer helping someone with their writing

Charities and the third sector

We want to open up education and learning to people across Wales.With help from charities and the third sector, we're able to create more routes into education.

A student in a laboratory with safety goggles and a white labcoat

Request a prospectus

Explore our qualifications and courses by requesting one of our prospectuses today.

Children listening to a teacher read a story

Schools and colleges

We work closely with schools and colleges to provide opportunities to both students and staff including our new PGCE programme in Wales.

Teacher talking to a class

OU ITE Partnership

Our programme supports students and schools across Wales, offering a new route into teaching. 

Graphic for OpenLearn Wales website

Free online learning

It doesn’t matter if you’re into art or zoology, whether you have five minutes or 50 hours. We’ve got a huge range of free online learning for you to explore.

Male Open University student in army uniform

Courses and qualifications

As Wales’ largest provider of part-time undergraduate university study, we offer a wide choice of qualifications and subject areas.

Students next to the GoCompare logo

Degree Apprenticeships in Wales

Our Applied Software Engineering Degree Apprenticeship programme equips apprentices with the knowledge and skills to be a software engineer.

Graduates standing outside Wales Millenium Centre


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