The OU works with the Welsh Rugby Union to promote rugby across Wales

The Open University in Wales is working with the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) to assess the wider impact of one of its programmes in Welsh schools.

The Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) hub programme works to promote rugby and increase participation, skills, activity and passion for the game. The programme is currently working with 95 educational establishments across Wales, most of which are schools.

OU researchers plan to work with 25 schools across Wales to evaluate how the Hub programme benefits both rugby in Wales, as well as society and people’s health.

It was great to share my ideas on the game so that more people can get involved.

Year 8 pupil, Dunvant Dragons girls Hub

‘The Open University is a partner in trying to understand what impact the programme has had over a number of years,’ explains Paul Carlin, from The Open University. ‘The OU as an academic institution can bring some rigour and robustness to that evaluation.’

This research aims to give the Hub guidance on what is working, and how they can develop the programme in the future. 

‘It was great to share my ideas on the game so that more people can get involved,' said a year 8 pupil at Dunvant Dragons girls Hub.

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