University sector

A smiling woman, holding a mobile phoneWe work collaboratively with other universities on a broad range of learning, teaching and research activities that enrich our and their students' experiences and enhance our contribution to Scottish society. 

Enhancement Themes for all universities in Scotland

Like all fellow higher education institutions in Scotland, The Open University in Scotland engages in Enhancement Themes activity: three-year national programmes covering an aspect of teaching and learning, with the aim of improving the learning experience of higher education students in Scotland. Enhancement Themes are overseen by QAA Scotland (the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education).

Courses developed with and for other universities 

  • Carer Aware at University - a free short online module for staff at all universities in Scotland. Developed with student carers, the University of Stirling, Heriot-Watt University, Glasgow Caledonian University and Carers Trust Scotland.
  • Corporate Parenting in Higher Education - a free short online module for staff at all universities in Scotland. Developed with care experienced students and Who Cares Scotland?, to help improve support for care experienced students.
  • Scottish History modules with University of Dundee - OU students can study one of two history modules with the University of Dundee via distance learning. They can count the credit they gain towards their OU qualification. The two modules are 'Medieval and Early Modern Scotland, 1100-1707' and 'Modern Scottish History, 1707-1997'. They are taught entirely online, and cover the political, social and cultural history of the nation.

Partnerships with other educational institutes

  • Innogen Institute  - a dynamic collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and The Open University that explores the social and economic impact of innovation in the life sciences.
  • Institute for Social Marketing and Health - a world renowned collaborative research centre with the University of Stirling, which brings over 30 years’ experience to the study and sharing of social marketing theory and practice. 
  • Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) - a collaboration between 13 of Scotland's universities, Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority. Provides opportunities for innovative, cutting-edge research, to help the police meet current challenges and to achieve international excellence for policing research in Scotland.

General enquiries

Email Scotland
Call 0131 226 3851

British Sign Language (BSL) users can also contact us directly through Contact Scotland BSL's video relay service.

Study enquiries

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Current OU students: 
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