Studies of African migration largely focus on flows from the continent to the global North. Yet Africa’s economic dynamism is reflected in more complex flows of migrants to and between African countries. MIAG focuses on two main flows, but disaggregates these by country of origin, skill level, gender and other social differences:
- Inter-continental flows - With ‘South-South’ migration outstripping all other forms of migration the untested assumption is that because migrants originate from the South, they share affinities that enhance the likelihood of contributing to Inclusive growth (IG). MIAG will focus on Chinese and Indian migrants in Africa, as well as diasporic ‘return’ migration from Europe.
- Regional flows - African migration is first and foremost intra-continental; meaning it is within Africa. Existing work on internal and regional migration mainly focuses on informal, small-scale trading. There has not been much work on more skilled regional migration, yet skilled African professionals such as academics and medics often work outside their country of origin.
There will be four case study countries – Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique.