Inclusive growth (IG) is growth that creates opportunities for all in society and where the economic and non-economic benefits are fairly distributed. The reason for moving to IG is to address the deficiencies of focusing only on economic growth, and recognition that global growth in the past 30 years has been accompanied by rising inequalities. Most proponents of IG agree that growth has to be long-term and broad-based, covering multiple sectors. MIAG will focus on services, IT, and manufacturing as sectors that could deliver greater inclusiveness. While migration can impact positively on growth it is rarely linked to IG because of problems with identifying causal linkages and a lack of data to test these links. MIAG is responding to this challenge by developing a robust conceptual framework that will link migration to inclusive growth.

- Employment date/job creation
- Jobs created or engaged in
- Household real disposable income
- Assets/capital
- Skills and productivity
- Job security and working conditions
- Human captial
- Structural/instiutional arrangments
- Services
- Psychosocial