Inês Raimundo holds a PhD in Forced Migration and a Masters in Human Geography, both from the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, SA). As an associate professor and senior researcher, she has taught human geography, geography of populations, migration, environment, population and development at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo for 25 years. Inês is a representative on the Southern Africa of Commonwealth Geographical Bureau (CGB) and is a member of the International Council for Sciences (ICSU) and Regional Committee for Africa (RCA). Her research looks to link migration with poverty, HIV, climate change and food security. She has however, also researched human settlements and urban land markets and published widely on these topics. Her two most recent pieces being book chapters: ‘The current and prospective brain drain in Mozambique’ (2017, Cambridge) and ‘Food insecurity in the context of climate change in Maputo City, Mozambique: challenges and coping strategies’ (2017, Earthscan/Routeledge).