Feedback form

We welcome your views about our Library services, resources and facilities, and the way we deliver them.

The information you provide will help us plan our services in the future. Please complete the feedback form below to make a comment or suggestion, and help us to ensure that we provide the best services and resources possible.

If you have a query or issue that requires an answer please contact the Library Helpdesk.


Feedback topic If you have an issue with a page or resource please provide a link to the item in question

We appreciate that you have provided us with personal information. We will never sell on your data to anyone else and data is for the use of The Open University only. If you would like to find out more, please view our privacy policy.

Data Protection

The personal information that you provide will be handled by the Open University in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will be used for the purpose of handling your feedback. Your information will not be used for any other purpose.

The information you have provided will not be disclosed to any other parties, including any other University Departments and outside individuals or bodies.