Useful links

Here you will find other links and resources to do with learning disability history and other matters of interest to the work of the Research Group.

History projects

Lennox Castle Stories

This is an online collection of memories and stories, told by the ex-residents and hospital staff of Lennox Castle Hospital, Scotland in the form of creative images, videos and text.

Kew Cottages History Project

The Kew Cottages History website presents the story of Kew Cottages, Australia's largest and oldest institution for people with learning disabilities. Developed as part of the Kew Cottages History Project, it allows the visitor to explore the history of the Cottages through archival documents, historic photographs, oral histories and video.


Winterbourne View

Below are reports detailing the abuse at Winterbourne View Hospital, as revealed by the BBC in May 2011.

Department of Health

Contact us

About the Group

If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:

Liz Tilley 
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

About the website

If you have any feedback or would like to report a problem with the website, please contact