Organisations who support cycling

Below are some groups you can join to motivate and encourage you to cycle.

Cycling Ireland Cycling Ireland logo

Cycling Ireland are the National Governing Body for cycling across Ireland. There are events, clubs and education and courses where you can get involved and join the community. 

For more information visit

Dublin Cycling Campaign Dublin Cycling Campaign logo

They are an independent, voluntary group lobbying with local and national government to bring about improved cycling conditions for cyclists and to gain recognition for the benefits of cycling. 

There are events and campaigns you can get involved in. For more information, visit Dublin Cycling


Sustrans logo


Sustrans' vision is a world in which people choose to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment. Sustrans is the charity behind practical and innovative solutions to some of the biggest transport challenges, including the award-winning National Cycle Network, Safe Routes to Schools, Bike It and TravelSmart.

To find out more visit, Sustrans