The WeMove pilot was funded by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to support children and young people aged 12 to 18 years impacted by serious and violent crime, either as perpetrators or victims. Central to WeMove was one-to-one support by trained mentors. The evaluation conducted by the Open University aimed to assess implementation and early impacts to evidence programme effectiveness.
The findings were largely supportive of a positive impact of WeMove on participants. Benefits included improved emotional intelligence and improved relationships with peers and family members. An important mechanism for change was the creation of safe spaces where young people felt listened to and genuinely cared for by mentors. Promising practices included the use of group work alongside one-to-one mentoring, and activities which increased community connectedness and a sense of belonging (e.g. volunteering opportunities). Recommendations included:-
The summary report is available in the members area.
In addition, a final report and 3 self-evaluation tools were created based on the evaluation’s theory of change. These are available on request via
Findings from an evaluation of 'WeMove'; a pilot that was funded by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to support children and young people aged 12 to 18 years impacted by serious and violent crime, either as perpetrators or victims. Central to WeMove was one-to-one support by trained mentors. The evaluation conducted by the Open University aimed to assess implementation and early impacts to evidence programme effectiveness.
Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 13:00 to 14:30
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 13:00 to 14:30
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