The Centre’s range of innovative knowledge exchange activities are designed to maximise learning between members of the police, between police organisations, and between the police and academics. Activities include:
One way to encourage evidence-based practice is to read reports, executive summaries and academic papers, which are available in the Publications library. Another way is to complete free learning courses, read texts, videos and podcasts, which are available on OpenLearn.
Evidence Cafés are characterised by the ‘knowledge exchange’ (not presentation!) between academics and frontline police officers. They may be facilitated by an Evidence-Based Champion from the host force.
Peer learning visits involve visits by representatives of police forces to areas of interest and promising practice either within police forces or other public, private or third sector organisations with lessons to offer police and public services generally.
Evidence-Based Champions (EBCs) are individuals at any level of the organisation who initiate, facilitate and implement change. The Centre suggests there are four levels of EBC: Individual, National/Organisational, Role and Local
The International Research Society for Public Management has published the call for abstracts for next year’s conference.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 13:00 to Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 14:30