CPRL announces inaugural Small Grants Scheme winners!

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We are thrilled to announce the winners of our first CPRL Small Grants Scheme. Launched earlier this year, the scheme aimed to tap into the innovative thinking within police forces to address pressing challenges facing UK policing. Open to all CPRL member forces, the scheme encouraged new engagement opportunities with CPRL, focusing on research, learning, knowledge into practice, and education.

We were pleased to receive 13 impressive bids spanning a diverse range of topics, from repeat trauma to digital policing. While we could not support every worthy project, we are pleased to announce four recipients of the Small Grants Scheme. In this special issue of our monthly newsletter we invite you to read about each of the four projects that won the bid. We would like to thank all of those who applied for the Scheme, and we will keep you all updated as to the progress of the winning projects which are summarised below.

Dr. Elke Loeffler, Director of Research and Strategic Partnerships stated:

 “I was delighted about the level of interest from CPRL member forces and the new conversations they sparked between Directors and members. Even if your application has been unsuccessful this time, you will receive written feedback from us shortly to enable you to strengthen your application which you may develop further for other funding opportunities such as the upcoming STAR programme.”

For further information about the CPRL Small Grants Scheme, please contact oupc@open.ac.uk.

Details of the winning projects are on our secure members area. If you do not have access please email oupc@open.ac.uk

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