Managing people with the brain in mind: 5 March 2019

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to be able to invite you to a workshop on 5th March 2019, starting at 4pm on “Neuroscience and Leadership: Managing people with the brain in mind”. This interactive workshop will be led by a distinguished academic, Professor Steven Poelmans, from the University of Antwerp, Belgium.  Steven has been pioneering new thinking about leadership, based both on research with leaders in a neuroscience lab, and also research with police and fire officers on the ground in the second largest European seaport. 

The workshop will commence at 4pm (refreshments available from 3.30) and will end at 7pm, with refreshments.  Places at the workshop are limited.  Members of the Centre for Policing Research and Learning partner police agencies will have first preference for half of the places, and the rest are on a first come, first served basis.  Please do not sign up unless you can come, because you may deprive someone else of a place.  The workshop is designed for a mixed audience of academics and public service leaders.  Please feel free to pass on this invite to others whom you think may be interested.  This is a free event. 

The Centre holds its Membership Group meeting the following day, which is a closed meeting for members.  Professor Poelmans will also speak at that, but for a shorter time and on a different aspect of leadership and neuroscience.   

Numbers are strictly limited.  Please express your interest by emailing Adele Peters, Centre for Policing Secretary at

We look forward to seeing you at this event

Upcoming Events

Mar 6

Online Membership Group meeting

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30

Microsoft Teams