Analysis help for police response to domestic abuse

We are particularly conscious that police colleagues are facing a large increase in the number and severity of domestic abuse incidents, whilst having fewer resources and having to make difficult prioritisation decisions. Emerging evidence from China and France suggest domestic abuse has increased three times during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lis Bates, CPRL's Senior Research Fellow on Violence Against Women, is offering to help member forces to collate and compare forces' data on the number and nature of domestic abuse calls, and how forces are adapting responses to domestic abuse. She is also linking in with national domestic abuse charities to help victims' services and funders understand the changing demand for their help.

If members would like to take up this offer - or have other requests for practical help in responding to domestic abuse during the pandemic - please contact Lis on

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Mar 6

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Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30

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