Call for papers - 2025 special edition

Words matter: the language of widening participation

Language and how we use it matters in the space of widening participation (WP) and lifelong learning for a spectrum of reasons. It frames who becomes the target of work to widen access and success. Through labelling we have the power to foreground certain groups but can also reinforce marginalisation through choosing not to focus upon them. Following the recent Words Matter seminar series at The Open University and editorial board discussions around language, we are excited to invite calls for a forthcoming special edition of the WPLL journal to be published in Summer 2025.

Terms are not neutral and what we say and write can impact widening participation and student success. Language can also be contested between communities and individuals who are the focus of this work: policymakers, practitioners and academics. Furthermore, language evolves over time, and thus what was seen as a valid way of describing a group may quickly become outdated. Finally, and importantly in the context of an international journal, there are international differences in how groups are framed, prioritised and talked about.

As a key journal in the field of widening participation, we are seeking to create a point of reference and debate to support the ongoing work of considering the language we use and why we use it. As such we are interested in proposals for papers for a forthcoming special edition.

The areas we are interested in relate to the particularity of the language deployed around widening participation in HE, for example:

  • Changes in language historically
  • International differences
  • Terms that may be contested

This is not an exclusive list, but proposed articles should focus on the language of WP as opposed to societal use of language more generally.

Submissions Timeline

Initially we request a short proposal of 300 words for consideration. This should detail:

  • What aspects of language or terminology your paper will consider?
  • Why this is important?
  • What national or international context the paper is situated in?
  • What type of article you are submitting (full research, Innovative Practice, Research Note or Discussion Piece)

You should submit this by email to by 15th September 2024.

Each abstract will be considered by the lead editor and another member of the editorial board on the basis of the contribution it might make to the issue as a whole. A decision will be provided by 30th September 2024.

Successful submissions will be requested to submit a full paper for peer review by 30th November 2024.  Any papers received after the deadline will be considered for inclusion in a future edition if appropriate.

Guidance for authors can be found in the 'House Style' and 'Submitting Articles to the Journal' sections.