General Call for Papers

Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning is welcoming new contributions of papers for publication.

The Editors are especially interested in receiving submissions from colleagues conducting practitioner research. The journal remains committed to publishing practitioner-led research and is one of the few publications to provide an output for this work. Practitioner research articles featured in previous issues have included a diverse range of topics including: career decisions primary and secondary school pupils; community engagement with under-represented ethnic groups in inner city areas; neighbourhood renewal and neighbourhood learning; and health sector learning partnerships.

The journal publishes the following kinds of paper:

  • Articles drawing on empirical research, contextualised within current national and international policy debate, which develop the theoretical base of the field or report on significant research projects;
  • Innovative Practice critical evaluations, which provide a forum for practitioners and researchers to share and discuss specific projects that are either in progress or have been completed;
  • Research methods articles, selected for their contribution to the analysis and development of research methodology in the fields of widening participation and lifelong learning;
  • Research notes and updates which provide an opportunity to present interim and final research findings in a quick and accessible way to inform practitioners and researchers in the widening participation and lifelong learning fields.
  • Discussion pieces presenting informed opinion and reflection on current research and policy developments.

Submissions should be sent electronically to and include full contact details of the lead author.