Listed below are the research projects available for October 2023.
Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be directed to the Postgraduate Research Tutor. Please ensure you read the Guide for applicants to check whether your question has already been answered.
* Indicates that the project has been listed as suitable for part-time PhD study.
Transcendental dynamics: Hausdorff dimension and itineraries, supervisors: Prof Phil Rippon and Prof Gwyneth Stallard
*The Relational Complexity of a Finite Permutation Group, supervisors: Dr Nick Gill and Dr Bridget Webb
*Bouncing Queens and Morphic Games, supervisors: Dr Dan Rust, Dr Katherine Staden and Prof Gwyneth Stallard
*Theory of Spintronics, supervisors: Dr Andrey Umerski and Dr Marc Pradas
*Accumulation of Diverging Trajectories, supervisors: Prof Michael Wilkinson and Dr Marc Pradas
*Analysing Clouds, supervisors: Prof Michael Wilkinson and Dr Marc Pradas
*Lacunarity, Anisotropy and Shape Statistics of Dynamical Fractals, supervisors: Prof Michael Wilkinson and Dr Marc Pradas or Dr Katrine Rogers
*Statistical physics of soft condensed matter, supervisors: Dr Elsen Tjhung and Dr Marc Pradas
*Mathematical models of phytoplankton dynamics living under rapid Arctic sea ice melting, supervisors: Dr Ivan Sudakow and Prof Pavel Berloff, Imperial College London
*Complex systems with feedback: critical transitions and application for data-driven modelling, supervisor: Dr Ivan Sudakow
*Statistical approaches for big data in human genetics, supervisors: Dr Kaustubh Adhikari and Dr Alvaro Faria
Early prediction of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and adverse birth outcomes, supervisors: Dr Yonas Weldeselassie, Dr Fadlalla Elfadaly and Prof Ponnusammy Saravanan, Warwick Medical School
*Machine learning methods for predicting soccer match outcomes, supervisor: Dr Daniel Berrar
*Finding community: Women and mathematics 1700-1950, supervisors: Dr Brigitte Stenhouse and Prof June Barrow-Green