Aperiodic tilings

Aperiodic tilings online exhibition

This event took place in June 2022. Visit the Aperiodic tilings online exhibition to see artwork from the event.

Uwe Grimm

A meeting and mathematical art exhibition in honour of Uwe Grimm

This event will bring together mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and artists to share research and communicate artwork in the subject of aperiodic tilings. The research meeting includes research talks from leaders in aperiodic tilings and related subjects. The exhibition, to be held simultaneously with the meeting, will include artwork, sculptures, 3D printing, musical art and hands-on activities produced by academics and artists. The exhibition will be open to the meeting participants as well as to school parties and members of the public. 

The event will celebrate the research and public engagement work of Uwe Grimm, who died in Autumn 2021.


For the mathematical art exhibition, see directly below – free and open to the public.

For the research meeting, see further down – registration required, not open to the public.

Aperiodic tilings art exhibition

Free and open to the public.

Date and venue

Tuesday 28 June and Wednesday 29 June 2022

Hub Theatre and Juniper Medlar suite, The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

How to register

Visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/328116995767

Open University staff do not need to register to attend – visit when you wish between 13.00–14.00 and 15.00–17.30.


    Michael Baake – Mathematician and mathematical physicist (Universität Bielefeld)
    Hasret Brown – Artist/Geometer
    Katie Chicot – Mathematician (The Open University)
    Clarissa Grandi – Geometric artist, author and teacher of mathematics
    Edmund Harriss – Mathematician, teacher, artist and maker  (University of Arkansas)
    Richard Henry – Artist/Geometer
    Kurt Hofstetter – Artist
    John Hunton – Mathematician (Durham University)
    Shelley James – Lumenologist
    Iestyn Jowers – Engineer (The Open University)
    Ronan McGrath – Physicist (University of Liverpool)
    Samira Mian – Geometer, artist and educator
    Richard Moat – Engineer (The Open University)
    Stefan Pautze – Enginneer and graphic artist
    Natalie Priebe Frank – Mathematician (Vassar College)
    Maryam Smit – MKIAC resident artist
    Brian Sutton – Molecular biophysicist (King's College London)
    Liam Taylor-West – Composer and creator of immersive artworks
    Rose Vickers – Artist

Photos for Shelley James and Brian Sutton courtesy of Ester Segarra.

Art exhibition schedule

Tuesday 28 June  
9.00–13.00 School visits
13.00–14.00 Open University staff
14.00–15.00 School visits
15.00–17.30 Open to the public & Open University staff
17.00–17.30 Shelley James and Brian Sutton Forbidden symmetry
Wednesday 29 June  
9.00–13.00 School visits
13.00–14.00 Open University staff
14.00–15.00 School visits
15.00–17.30 Open to the public & Open University staff
17.00–17.30 Richard Henry Journey into Islamic geometric art

Aperiodic tilings research meeting

Registration required, not open to the public.

Date and venue

Monday 27 June 2022 to Wednesday 29 June 2022

The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK

Registration closed, contact the organisers for the possibility of late registration.

Conference speakers

    Michael Baake  (Universität Bielefeld)

    Valérie Berthé (CNRS)

    Alvaro Bustos Gajardo (The Open University)

    Michael Coons (Universität Bielefeld)

    Karma Dajani (Universiteit Utrecht)

    Felix Flicker (Cardiff University)

    Dirk Frettlöh (Universität Bielefeld)

    Edmund Harriss (University of Arkansas)

    Richard Henry (Artist/Geometer)

    John Hunton (Durham University)

    Jens Marklof (University of Bristol)

    Natalie Priebe Frank (Vassar College)

    Chikwesiri Imediegwu (The Open University)

    Shelley James (Lumenologist)

    Henna Koivusalo (University of Bristol)

    Stefan Pautze (Enginneer and graphic artist)

    Petra Staynova (University of Derby)

    Brian Sutton (King's College London)

    Jamie Walton (University of Nottingham)

Research meeting schedule

All talks will be held in Library Seminar Room 6 unless otherwise indicated.

Monday 27 June  
15.00 Registration begins
17.00–17.15 Welcome and introductions
17.15–18.00 Edmund Harriss Aperiodic Art
18.00–18.30 Stefan Pautze Cyclotomic aperiodic substitution tilings
18.30–19.30 Welcome reception
Tuesday 28 June  
9.30–10.15 Michael Baake Uwe Grimm – some snapshots from his life and work
10.15–11.00 Natalie Priebe Frank Generalizations of the Rudin-Shapiro sequence
11.15–12.00 John Hunton Aperiodicity and the Borel conjecture
12.00–12.45 Henna Koivusalo Complexity of polytopal cut and project sets
Lunch break
14.00–14.45 Jens Marklof The three gap theorem in higher dimensions
14.45–15.30 Chikwesiri Imediegwu Aperiodic Lattice structures: Beyond aesthetics
15.45–16.30 Michael Coons Correlations of the Thue—Morse Sequence
16.30–17.00 Make your way to the Hub Theatre
17.00–17.30 Shelley James and Brian Sutton Forbidden symmetry (Hub Theatre)
18.30 Conference dinner
Wednesday 29 June  
9.30–10.15 Valérie Berthé Convergence and eigenvalues for S-adic systems
10.15–11.00 Jamie Walton Characterising linear repetitivity for polytopal cut and project sets
11.15–12.00 Dirk Frettlöh Tilings with transcendental inflation factor
12.00–12.45 Petra Staynova Arithmetic is easy, right?
Lunch break
14.00–14.45 Karma Dajani Equilibrium States for the Random β-Transformation through g-Measures
14.45–15.30 Alvaro Bustos Gajardo Admissible symmetries of substitution systems
15.45–16.30 Felix Flicker Constrained Models in Aperiodic Settings
16.30–17.00 Make your way to the Hub lecture theatre
17.00–17.30 Richard Henry Journey into Islamic geometric art (Hub Theatre)


Deadline 31 May

To register to attend the research meeting (you can attend the exhibition as well) please e-mail your name and institution to Ian Short. There is a £40 registration fee, payable on arrival.

Additionally, if you wish for accommodation to be booked for you then specify which days (speakers will typically arrive on Monday 27 June and depart on Thursday 30 June, 3 nights). The accommodation costs £100 per night; you would need to pay on arrival at the hotel:

Delta Hotels Milton Keynes, Timbold Drive, Milton Keynes, MK7 6HL.

Support for UK PhD students and researchers from developing countries

Some financial support is available for UK-based research students and for researchers from a country listed by the IMU Commission for Developing Countries. Please contact the organisers to request support. Conference funds will be allocated to registering participants until the funds are used up.

There are a few slots available for PhD students to offer research talks. Please state in your registration message if you would like to offer a research talk.

Caring costs

Funds are available to support carers and parents who participate in the research meeting. Please contact the organisers for guidance. Additionally, participants may can consider applying for an LMS Caring Supplementary Grant (deadline 15 May 2022).

Organising and scientific committee

Ian Short
Charlotte Webb
Reem Yassawi

External scientific committee lead

Michael Baake  (Universität Bielefeld)


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