Next generation multimedia and networking technologies
NeXt Generation multimedia and network technologies are characterised by being flexible, smart, adaptive, interoperable, reconfigurable, dependable and self-managing. The XGMT research group undertakes high-quality research into various aspects of these exciting and evolving technologies.
Example projects
- A Cognitive TV White Space Access Framework (Laurence Dooley, Patrick Wong) – Nokia
- A hybrid similarity measure framework for multimodal medical image registration (Laurence Dooley, Patrick Wong) – German Aerospace Centre
- Scalable base station switching framework for green cellular networks (Laurence Dooley, Adrian Poulton) – Japanese National Institute of Informatics
- Inpainting Framework for Virtual View Systems (Patrick Wong, Laurence Dooley) – Japanese National Institute of Informatics
- Spectrum Sensing Techniques for Cognitive Radio (Laurence Dooley, Soraya Kouadri)