Interaction design

How do we integrate new technology seamlessly into human activity in a way that serves as well as delights? We address this challenge with a methodological focus on understanding technology in context 'in the wild'. We work in HCI, interaction and user experience design, music computing, technology-enhanced learning, immersive environments, and animal-computer interaction. You can find out more about the group on our website.


A sample of recent research projects include:
  • Polyfonia: Playing the soundtrack of our history (Simon Holland) – EU Horizon 2020
  • SERVICE: Social and Emotional Resilience for the Vulnerable Impacted by the COVID-19 Emergency (Blaine Price/Daniel Gooch) – EPSRC
  • STRETCH: Socio-Technical Resilience for Enhancing Targeted Community Healthcare (Blaine Price/Daniel Gooch) – EPSRC
  • Technology for Mobility Assistance Dogs (Clara Mancini) – Pet Plan Trust
  • Flatland: Investigating Haptics in Cultural Spaces (Janet van der Linden) – NESTA
  • Monetize Me - Privacy and the Quantified Self in the Digital Economy (Blaine Price) – EPSRC
  • MK:Smart (Gerd Kortuem) – HEFCE
  • Towards the Smart Kennel (Clara Mancini) – Dogs Trust
  • UNITE: Novice Interaction Designers Behaviour in Different Cultures (Helen Sharp) – Leverhulme
Group lead