Teaching languages in primary schools: Post-beginners French/German/Spanish/Mandarin Chinese

This module consists of two key elements:

1) An elementary OU level 1 module offering the choice of studying either French, German, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.

  • Group of young childrenThe four language strands will give students the skills they need to speak and understand simple French, German, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese in everyday situations.
  • They are designed to enable students to achieve a level of language proficiency equivalent to level A2 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • Students require a working knowledge of French, German, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese to study this module, equivalent to A1 CEFR level. This can be acquired through the study of the introductory level modules LXT192, LXT193, LXT194, LXT197, through equivalent study elsewhere or extended visits to the countries where the target language is spoken.
  • Study resources include module books in PDF format, digital audio recordings, a dedicated module website and online activities, all of which support independent learning. Altogether, they’ll give students not just language skills but a real feel for French/German/Spanish or Mandarin Chinese-speaking cultures as well.

2) A Masters level strand with a strongly reflective approach, designed to develop the skills you need to teach elementary French, German, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese in your primary classroom and develop your pupils’ language and literacy skills.

  • It explores current thinking in theory and practice of primary languages teaching, familiarises you with key pedagogical concepts around embedding in daily classroom routines, uses multi-media to introduce you to teaching methods in and outside the classroom and guides you in applying your new knowledge in your own teaching context.
  • Part of the course work will take place on a dedicated website and in online tutorials, but you will also spend time trying out what you have learned and reflecting on this with fellow students.


  • Module code: LXT191
  • Credits: 15
  • Study level language: OU - 1; SCQF - 7; FHEQ - 4
  • Study level pedagogy: OU - PG; SCQF - 11; FHEQ - 7
  • Study method - Distance LearningMan seated at table typing on laptop

Course work includes:


  • 2 Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs)
  • 2 interactive Computer-Marked Assignments (iCMAs)
  • No examination
  • No residential school


  • 4 x 300-500 word formative reflective pieces in the form of blog postings on the discussions among the student cohort revolving around the application of the pedagogy and language studied in the classroom
  • 1 final written 500-800 word formative reflective piece which summarises the impact of the learning in the 5 course blocks on the individual students’ teaching practice, including a plan for further development of your own practice

What you will study:

Language module is based around one book and has at its core the following elements:

  • user-friendly, ‘bite-sized’ information dealing with language and cultural aspects
  • gradual development of study and language skills
  • development of basic vocabulary and set phrases
  • audio material, featuring recordings by competent speakers of French, German, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese and a wide variety of speaking activities
  • practice activities and self-assessment tests to monitor your progress
  • regular online video clips to support your practice activities.

Pedagogy module is based around a dedicated website and has at its core the following elements:

  • user-friendly, ‘bite-sized’ theory and practical information dealing with teaching languages at primary level
  • gradual development of study and language teaching skills
  • audio-visual material, featuring real-life classroom activities for critical reflection as well as a range of community initiatives, such as outdoor learning, which highlight how languages can be incorporated into a wide range of primary school activities
  • guidance around interdisciplinary learning and engagement with the wider community
  • practice activities and self-assessment tests to monitor your progress
  • materials for your own further research in this area
  • regular online peer group discussions to support your study and practice activities.

The pedagogy element comprises a balance of theory and practice which enables you to engage with both in a professionally supportive environment. You will have the opportunity to apply your new language skills in your classroom, with your pupils. 


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Study materials and computing requirements

Information about study materials and computing requirements.

If you have a disability

Please note that this module makes substantial use of audio and visual materials. Full transcripts of the audio materials are provided, except those used for assessment purposes. The written and spoken elements you will be asked to complete as part of your assessment use audio and possibly visual stimuli.

The study materials are available in alternative versions in Word format for use with a screen reader. They are also available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Some Adobe PDF components may not be available or fully accessible using a screen reader and foreign language materials may be particularly difficult to read in this way. Comb-bound versions of the written study materials can also be provided on request.

You will need to make extensive use of a personal computer and the internet. If you use specialist hardware or software to assist you in operating a computer or with this type of material you are advised to contact us about support which can be given to meet your needs.

If you have particular study requirements please tell us as soon as possible, as some of our support services may take several weeks to arrange. Find out more about our services for disabled students.