Strategy and policy

We engage with the Scottish Government and other key stakeholders in Scotland to ensure policy, funding outcomes and media coverage are favourable to the OU in Scotland and its students.

The Scottish Parliament's debating chamber

We are responsible for advocating on behalf of our students, and part-time students generally, to make sure that their needs and interests are taken into account in higher education policy and by decision-makers.

All of our activity in Scotland is driven by our mission of being open to people, places, methods and ideas.

We deliver to Scottish Government priorities, an annual Outcome Agreement from the Scottish Funding Council and other priority themes across the university sector in Scotland and the UK. These are set out in our key documents

Strategic priorities include widening access to higher education, development of skills supporting recovery in Scotland and ensuring an inclusive approach so that all students have an equal chance to succeed. 

Meet some of the politicians who have studied with the OU in Scotland