ESERO-UK, also known as the UK Space Education Office, aims to promote the use of space to enhance and support the teaching and learning of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in schools and colleges throughout the UK.

Funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Department for Education ESERO-UK aims to: 
  • Share good practice, and space-related teaching and learning resources, with teachers and college lecturers.
  • Be the first point of contact for the education and space communities when seeking information about space education and careers.
  • Raise the profile of the education work of ESA, the UK Space Agency and the wider UK space community with schools and colleges.

This is achieved through:

  • A website to promote quality teaching and learning resources to educators throughout the UK.These resources will be available via the National STEM Centre’s eLibrary (this can be found at and through the ESERO-UK website; a physical collection of space education resources already exists at the National STEM Centre.
  • A group of space education ambassadors throughout the UK to build and maintain space education networks that bring coherence to the space education community and provide support to schools and colleges.
  • News about national and regional events of interest for educators.
  • High-quality training and support for teachers and lecturers.


Contact us

Any media enquiries should be directed using the links below:

The Open University

Science and Technology Facilities Council

UK Space Agency