
The Rosetta mission is a bold and inspriational endeavour that can be used to demonstrate many practical issues in chemisty, physics, mathematics and engineering. UK-based educators are at the forefront of developing and supporting programmes to get teachers inspired to use Rosetta in their classrooms.

National Space Academy

The Academy delivers masterclasses for thousands of students and teachers per year as well as international programmes for ESA and UK space sector companies.


ESERO-UK hosts teacher master classes to help teachers use Rosetta-related resources.

Association for Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC)

Brings together the largest network of professionals dedicated to engaging the public and schools with contemporary science - including the Rosetta mission through the Explore Your Universe:Atoms to Astrophysics programme.

Faulkes Telescope Project

An education partner of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGTN), the Faulkes Telescope Project provides free access to robotic telescopes and a fully supported education programme to encourage teachers and students to engage in research-based science education.

Contact us

Any media enquiries should be directed using the links below:

The Open University

Science and Technology Facilities Council

UK Space Agency