Our most recent publications are listed below, further publications can be searched by following the link to Open Research Online
Open Research Online (ORO) is the Open University's repository of research publications and other research outputs. It is an Open Access resource that can be searched and browsed freely by members of the public.
Papadopoulou, Martha; Barry, Tiffany; Dash, Batulzii; Halton, Alison; Sherlock, Sarah and Hunt, Alison (2024). Evidence for long-lived (>100 Myr) continental intraplate volcanism: Mongolia since the last ocean closure. Gondwana Research (in press).
Özdamar, Şenel; Sarıkaya, Oral; Sütçü, Naşide Merve; Zou, Haibo and Sherlock, Sarah (2024). Geochronology and petrochemistry of Karabiga pluton in western Sakarya Zone (NW Turkey): Implications from new zircon U-Pb and biotite Ar/Ar ages, Sr-Nd isotope data and bulk-rock geochemistry. Geochemistry (Early Access).
Celik, O. F.; Cortuk, R. M; Ozkan, M; Davies, J.H.F.L; Marzoli, A; Sherlock, Sarah; Risplendente, A; Halton, Alison and Perrot, M.G (2023). New evidence for the presence of the Inner Tauride Ocean: Lithological, geochronological and P-T correlations with the Tavşanlı and Afyon zones of Central Anatolia (Türkiye). Lithos, 462-463, article no. 107409.
Çörtük, Rahmi Melih; Çelik, Ömer Faruk; Özkan, Mutlu; Marzoli, Andrea; Halton, Alison and Sherlock, Sarah (2023). Late Cretaceous – Paleogene tectonothermal evolution of the Akdağ Massif in the central anatolian crystalline complex (northern Kayseri, central Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 255, article no. 105775.
Okay, Aral I.; Topuz, Gültekin; Kylander-Clark, Andrew R.C.; Sherlock, Sarah and Zattin, Massimiliano (2022). Late Paleocene – Middle Eocene magmatic flare-up in western Anatolia. Lithos, 428-429, article no. 106816
Riley, Teal R.; Burton-Johnson, Alex; Leat, Philip T.; Hogan, Kelly A. and Halton, Alison M. (2021). Geochronology and geochemistry of the South Scotia Ridge: Miocene island arc volcanism of the Scotia Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 205(103615)
Kohút, Milan; Sherlock, Sarah C. and Halton, Alison M. (2021). The 40Ar–39Ar dating and geochemistry of the Carpathian C1 obsidians (Zemplín, Slovakia). Geologica Carpathica, 72(4) pp. 344–357.
Lin, Yu-Ling; Lee, Tung-Yi; Lo, Ching-Hua; Sherlock, Sarah C.; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki; Usuki, Tadashi; Quek, Long Xiang and Charusiri, Punya (2021). Dating deformation using sheared leucogranite: temporal constraints by 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology for the Mae Ping shear zone, NW Thailand. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176, article no. 65.
Cogliati, Simone; Sherlock, Sarah; Halton, Alison; Reid, Kerry; Rymer, Hazel and Kelley, Simon (2021). Tracking the behaviour of persistently degassing volcanoes using noble gas analysis of Pele's hairs and tears: A case study of the Masaya volcano (Nicaragua). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 414, Article 107212.
Muller Veleda, A.P.; Mauricio, Calderón; Fosdick Julie, C.; Ghiglione Matias, C.; Cury Leonardo, F.; Hans-Joachim, Massonne; Fanning Christopher, M.; Warren Clare, J.; de Arellano Cristobal, Ramírez and Pietro, Sternai (2021). The closure of the Rocas Verdes Basin and early tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Magallanes Fold-and-Thrust Belt, southern Patagonian Andes (52–54°S). Tectonophysics, 798, article no. 228686.
Su, Tao; Spicer, Robert A.; Wu, Fei-Xiang; Farnsworth, Alexander; Huang, Jian; Del Rio, Cédric; Deng, Tao; Ding, Lin; Deng, Wei-Yu-Dong; Huang, Yong-Jiang; Hughes, Alice; Jia, Lin-Bo; Jin, Jian-Hua; Li, Shu-Feng; Liang, Shui-Qing; Liu, Jia; Liu, Xiao-Yan; Sherlock, Sarah; Spicer, Teresa; Srivastava, Gaurav; Tang, He; Valdes, Paul; Wang, Teng-Xiang; Widdowson, Mike; Wu, Meng-Xiao; Xing, Yao-Wu; Xu, Cong-Li; Yang, Jian; Zhang, Cong; Zhang, Shi-Tao; Zhang, Xin-Wen; Zhao, Fan and Zhou, Zhe-Kun (2020). A Middle Eocene lowland humid subtropical “Shangri-La” ecosystem in central Tibet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Early access).
Muller Veleda, A.P.; Mauricio, Calderón; Fosdick Julie, C.; Ghiglione Matias, C.; Cury Leonardo, F.; Hans-Joachim, Massonne; Fanning Christopher, M.; Warren Clare, J.; de Arellano Cristobal, Ramírez and Pietro, Sternai (2020). The closure of the Rocas Verdes Basin and early tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Magallanes Fold-and-Thrust Belt, southern Patagonian Andes (52–54°S). Tectonophysics (Early access).
Rochelle-Bates, N.; Roberts, N.M.W.; Sharp, I.; Freitag, U.; Verwer, K.; Halton, Alison; Fiordalisi, E.; van Dongen, B.E.; Swart, R.; Ferreira, C.H.; Dixon, R. and Schroder, S. (2020). Geochronology of volcanically associated hydrocarbon charge in the pre-salt carbonates of the Namibe Basin, Angola. Geology (Early Access).
Cogliati, Simone; Sherlock, Sarah; Halton, Alison; Ebinghaus, Alena; Kelley, Simon; Jolley, David and Barry, Tiffany (2020). Expanding the toolbox for dating basaltic lava sequences: 40Ar–39Ar dating of silicic volcanic glass from interbeds. Journal of the Geological Society (Early access).
Li, Shihu; Su, Tao; Spicer, Robert A; Xu, Congli; Sherlock, Sarah; Halton, Alison; Hoke, Gregory; Yimin, Tian; Zhang, Shitao; Zhou, Zhekun; Deng, Chenglong and Zhu, Rixiang (2020). Oligocene deformation of the Chuandian terrane in the SE margin of the Tibetan Plateau related to the extrusion of Indochina. Tectonics 39 (7).
Okay, Aral I.; Sunal, Gürsel; Sherlock, Sarah; Kylander‐Clark, Andrew R.C. and Özcan, Ercan (2020). İzmir‐Ankara suture as a Triassic to Cretaceous plate boundary – data from central Anatolia. Tectonics (Early access).
Ceccato, A.; Menegon, L.; Warren, C.J. and Halton, Alison (2020). Structural and metamorphic inheritance controls strain partitioning during orogenic shortening (Kalak Nappe Complex, Norwegian Caldeonides). Journal of Structural Geology (Early access).
Sheldrick, Thomas C.; Barry, Tiffany L.; Dash, Batulzii; Gan, Chengshi; Millar, Ian L.; Barford, Dan N. and Halton, Alison (2020). Simultaneous and extensive removal of the East Asian lithospheric root. Scientific reports, article no. 4128.
Sheldrick, T.C., Barry, T.L.; Millar, I.L, Barford, D.N.; Halton, Alison and Smith, D. (2020). Evidence for southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic plate: implications from Mesozoic adakitic lavas from Mongolia. Gondwana Research 79, pp.140-156.
Bianco, Caterina; Godard, Gaston; Halton, Alison; Brogi, Andrea; Liotta, Domenico and Caggianelli, Alfredo (2019). The lawsonite-glaucophane blueschists of Elba Island (Italy). Lithos, 348-349, article no. 105198.
Knudsen, Christian; Gee, David G.; Sherlock, Sarah C. and Yu, Li (2019). Caledonian metamorphism of metasediments from Franz Josef Land. GFF, 141(4) pp. 295–307.
Gucer, M.A., Arslan, M., Cimen, O. and Sherlock, S.C. (2019) Petrology and 40Ar-39Ar dating of paragneisses from the Devrekani Masif (Central Pontides, Northern Turkey): Implications for the Jurassic high-T metamorphism in an extensional tectonic environment. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 181, 103888.
Su, Tao; Spicer, Robert A.; Li, Shi-Hu; Xu, He; Huang, Jian; Sherlock, Sarah; Huang, Yong-Jiang; Li, Shu-Feng; Wang, Li; Jia, Lin-Bo; Deng, Wei-Yu-Dong; Liu, Jia; Deng, Cheng-Long; Zhang, Shi-Tao; Valdes, Paul J. and Zhou, Zhe-Kun (2019). Uplift, Climate and Biotic Changes at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southeast Tibet. National Science Review 6, pp.495-504.
Moles, Jonathan D. ; McGarvie, Dave ; Stevenson, John A.; Sherlock, Sarah C. ; Abbott, Peter M.; Jenner, Frances E. and Halton, Alison M. (2019). Widespread tephra dispersal and ignimbrite emplacement from a subglacial volcano (Torfajökull, Iceland). Geology 47(6), pp.577-580.
McDonald, Christopher S.; Warren, Clare J.; Hanke, Felix and Chard, Julian (2019). Determining cooling rates from mica 40Ar/ 39Ar thermochronology data: effect of cooling path shape. Terra Nova 31(3), pp.234-246.
Jerram, D.A.; Sharp, I.R.; Torsvik, T.H.; Poulsen, R.; Watton, T.; Freitag, U.; Halton, A.; Sherlock, S.C.; Malley, J.A.S.; Finley, A.; Roberge, J.; Swart, R.; Fabregas, P.; Ferreira, C.H. and Machado, V. (2019).Volcanic constraints on the unzipping of Africa from South America: Insights from new geochronological controls along the Angola margin. Tectonophysics 76-, pp.252-266 .
Çelik, Ömer Faruk; Özkan, Mutlu; Chelle-Michou, Cyril; Sherlock, Sarah; Marzoli, Andrea; Ulianov, Alexey; Altıntaş, İsmail Emir and Topuz, Gültekin (2019). Blueschist facies overprint of late Triassic Tethyan oceanic crust in a subduction–accretion complex in north-central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society, 176(5) pp. 945–957.
Marshall, Peter E.; Halton, Alison M.; Kelley, Simon P.; Widdowson, Mike and Sherlock, Sarah C. (2018).New 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Antrim Plateau Volcanics, Australia: clarifying an age for the eruptive phase of the Kalkarindji continental flood basalt province. Journal of the Geological Society, London. 175, pp.974-985.
Airaghi, L.; de Sigoyer, J.; Guillot, S.; Robert, A.; Warren, C. J. and Deldicque, D. (2018). The Mesozoic along-strike tectono-metamorphic segmentation of Longmen Shan (eastern Tibetan plateau). Tectonics, 37(12) pp. 4655–4678.
Skipton, D. R.; Warren, C. J. and Hanke, F. (2018). Numerical models of P–T, time and grain-size controls on Ar diffusion in biotite: an aide to interpreting 40Ar/39Ar ages. Chemical Geology. 496, pp.14-24
Airaghi, Laura; Warren, Clare J.; de Sigoyer, Julia; Lanari, Pierre and Magnin, Valérie (2018). Influence of dissolution/reprecipitation reactions on metamorphic greenschist to amphibolite-facies mica 40Ar/39Ar ages in the Longmen Shan (eastern Tibet). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 36(7), pp.933-958.
McDonald, C. S.; Regis, D.; Warren, C. J.; Kelley, S. P. and Sherlock, S. C. (2018). Recycling Argon through Metamorphic Reactions: the Record in Symplectites. Lithos, 300-301 pp. 200–211.
Knudsen, C.; Hopper, J. R.; Bierman, P. R.; Bjerager, M.; Funck, T.; Green, P. F.; Ineson, J. R.; Japsen, P.; Marcussen, C.; Sherlock, S. C. and Thomsen, T. B. (2018). Samples from Lomonosov Ridge place new constraints on the geological evolution of Arctic Ocean. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 460 pp. 397–418.
Moles, Jonathan D.; McGarvie, Dave; Stevenson, John A. and Sherlock, Sarah C. (2018). Geology of Tindfjallajökull volcano, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 14(2) pp. 22–31.
Stübner, Konstanze; Warren, Clare; Ratschbacher, Lothar; Sperner, Blanka; Kleeberg, Reinhard; Pfänder, Jörg and Grujic, Djordje (2017). Anomalously old biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages in the NW Himalaya. Lithosphere, 9(3) pp. 366–383.
Middleton, T.A.; Elliot, J.R.; Rhodes, E.J.; Sherlock, S.C.; Walker, R.T.; Wang, W.; Yu, J.; and Zhou, Y. (2017). Extension rates across the northern Shanxi Grabens, China, from Quaternary geology, seismicity and geodesy. Geophysical Journal International, 209, pp.535-558.
McDonald, Christopher S.; Warren, Clare J.; Mark, Darren F.; Halton, Alison M.; Kelley, Simon P. and Sherlock, Sarah C. (2016). Argon redistribution during a metamorphic cycle: Consequences for determining cooling rates. Chemical Geology, 443 pp. 182–197.
Kellett, Dawn A.; Warren, Clare; Larson, Kyle; Zwingmann, Horst; van Staal, Cees R. and Rogers, Neil (2016). Influence of deformation and fluids on Ar retention in white mica: Dating the Dover Fault, Newfoundland Appalachians. Lithos. 254-255, p.193-219.
Gucer, M.A.; Arslan, M.; Sherlock, S.C. and Heaman, L.M. (2016) Permo-Carboniferous granitoids with Jurassic high temperature metamorphism in Central Pontides, Northern Turley. Mineralogy and Petrology, 110(6) pp. 943-964.
Flude, S.; Tuffen, H. and Sherlock, S.C. (2016). Spatially heterogeneous argon-isotope systematics and apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages in petlitised obsidian. Chemical Geology,
Cortuk, R.M.; Celik, O.F.; Ozkan, M,; Sherlock, S.C.; Marzoli, A.; Altintas, I.E. and Topuz, K (2016) Origin and geodynamic environments of the metamorphic sole rocks from the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone (Tokat, northern Turkey), International Geology Review, 58(15) pp.1939-1855.
Kohut, M. and Sherlock, S.C. (2016) Tracing the intitiation of the tribec mountain exhumation by laser-probe 40Ar/39Ar dating of seismogenic pseudotachylytes (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Journal of Geology, 124(2), pp.255-265.
White, L.F.; Bailey, I.; Foster, G.L.; Allen, G.; Kelley, S.P.; Andrews, J.T.; Hogan, K.; Dowseswell, J.A. and Storey, C.D. (2016) Tracking the provenance of Greenland-sourced, Holocene aged, individual sand-sized ice-rafted debris using the Pb-isotope compositions of feldspars and 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblendes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 433(1) pp.192-203
Argon/Argon & Noble Gas Research Group
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
Lead Academic - Dr Sarah Sherlock
Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 659559 (office),
Lab Manager - Dr Alison Halton
+44 (0) 1908 659449 (office)